Home-schooling is now becoming a trend in education. A lot of schools, especially in the Philippines, are now offering home-schooling curriculum. Home-schooling was never heard of until the year 2000. And it was not accepted until 5-6years later. Home-schooling is unknown in the unbelieving world, but this is a basic Biblical teaching. It is unheard or unpracticed in the unbelieving world because most, if not all, parents would prefer to throw their children in schools because they need to work to provide the children with good education. But this is not true with the Biblical teaching. Deuteronomy 11:19 says "Teach them to your children, talking about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up." Although this specific passage talks about the miracles that God had done and has to do with the teachings of the law, the same is still true when it comes to educating our children. In the Old Testament time, one may argue, there was no institution called school, but that's the purpose why school was made, so that parents can focus on working. But I say, that is wrong. Statistically speaking, children fare well in this world when both parents are there to teach, guide and live by example. Some children fare well too with only one parent present. However, the same can't be said to a child or children who were left in the care of an institution. Home-schooling is the most ideal, but also most taxing of all.
Home-schooling Moms need to have patience, abilities and discipline. Most of the time, we'll hear parents scold their children of not being focus on their studies or assignments. But in home-schooling, it's the Mom (or the supervisor) who needs to be disciplined. The "Supervisor" must be consistent with study time and goals accomplished. The "Supervisor" must prepare all of the things, esp when it comes to craft time. If the "Supervisor" failed to do these things, then home-schooling will not be effective.
However, there are perks as well in doing home-schooling. The child is trained to be independent in doing his homework. The child gets more attention than in a traditional school set up. And the "Supervisor" can figure out the child's weakness in each subject and be able to help the child cope up.
As with anything in this world, there'll always be pros and cons in a given situation. One must weigh the pros and cons of home-schooling before actually "leaping" into it.
I've done home-schooling with my son for 3levels in a span of 2years. I can say that home-schooling is still the best for I can focus on my son's weaknesses. However, my son has acquired my weaknesses as well. I'm pretty poor with crafts, and so I have the tendency to pay more attention with his actual subjects than honing his skills in the arts' section.
Again, there are pros and cons in doing this thing...but it's truly worth a try. It can strengthen one's bond with your child/ren or it can cause more problem. With my case, it has allowed me to get to know my son better in the area of his studies. And I was able to relay to him my goals for him. I can say it has helped us in improving our relationship with one another. And on top of this, I am able to follow-up the principles I'm teaching him here at home with this studies. Home-schooling, for me, is and will always be the best!