Saturday, May 25, 2013

On Being a Counselor...

Being a counselor is both rewarding and tiring. The last time I was a counselor in a Youth Conference was way back  in 2009. My family and I were in a different city and different church where my husband served as a pastor. Back in 2009, instead of gaining the trust of my group mates, I have made enemies. It was a sad experience and I have carried that moment in my heart for years to come. I guess that is the reason why I've opted to stay away from counseling until last week.

As the 35th FCCF Youth Conference was announced sometime in 2012, my husband had decided that I will be one of the counselors. I gave him reasons after reasons just to prove to him that it will be difficult for me to take part in the Youth Conferences, but he insisted and he won. I've struggled and prayed and hoped that God will make a difference this time, both in the lives of my group mates and mine.

Four wonderful things had happened in that youth conference (in my perspective):
1. The Speaker for our theme messages. The Lord has been merciful and gracious upon the life of our speaker through out the conference. Two days before the conference started, he fell ill with fever and a slight cough, but on the day of the conference, his illness got worse. According to the FCCF Chairman, when he visited our speaker, he was shaking from chills and yet when he stands in front of God's people, he stood firmly and without any hint that he's sick except of slight coughing. Our speaker is truly a man of God and he uses the Word to encourage, not just the youth, but more so the leaders.

2. My Children. They were the reasons that I gave to my husband so that I can "escape". But God had proven me wrong. Yes, I believe my children had fought and shouted at each other while they were "locked" up in the hotel room, but they've proven themselves able to take care of each other. I said "locked" up, well, they were not really locked in, they can leave the room whenever they wanted to, but I believe we've instill in them the capability to obey. If I were to check the hotel's CCTV, I might see my kids poking their heads out once in a while, or even walk down the hallway, but nevertheless, whenever I go the room and give a surprise check, they're always there, inside, and playing =)

3. My Group Mates. When I first realized who my group mates were, I quickly asked the Lord "why this age group?" From our city, we've got ages 14-26, but God had given to me those who are 14-16. I could have handled the older ones, but no, God said. And as the days of the conference draws to the end, I now realize why. It's never easy to deal with other people's problems, hey, its never easy to DEAL WITH OUR OWN PROBLEMS, how much more other's, right? It's not that I'm more able or more matured in dealing with these younger people's problems; it's not that I'm more able to relate to them since I'm a mom; it's not that I'm good and know a lot of's just simply God wanted me to care for them. I hope I've gained their trust, instead of gaining more enemies. But one thing will always stay the same, God will send me wherever the need is.

4. My Old Friends in the other city.  Remember the enemies I mentioned at the start of this blog? Well, the Lord has been good and gracious, we still have good friends back there and meeting them on this conference was truly a good and rewarding experience! One particularly whom I used to perceive as grumpy and always negative is now a beautiful and matured lady! The Lord had changed her heart and is now in the process of maturity! If you are able to read this blog, I just wanna let you know that we'll continue to pray for you. I've also talked to my disciple whose heart is so into the ministry! Praise God for you life, my dear disciple! Keep up the good work! 

With all these things that God had allowed me to experience and see, there's only one response I can give...PRAISE BE TO HIM FOREVER AND EVER! 

Will I do this again? If the Lord wants me to, why not =)

Will I give up? Whenever I get betrayed, I always complain to God. So my answer is this, whenever God sees it right to put me down and be betrayed, so be it. May God have mercy on me when I complain and wallow in the pit of misery.

In everything, SOLI DEO GLORIA!

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

The Joy of Crocheting...

I've never thought crocheting could be so much fun! 

Most people here in the Philippines perceive crocheting, or what we commonly called "ganchillo", as something done by older people who no longer has anything 'beneficial' to do. But as I looked into the internet, people who are way younger than I have their own tutorial videos about crocheting! And so, armed with a crocheting hook, I looked for the beginner's tutorial video and had actually found one. And thus began the sleepless nights of crocheting!

Being a consumer, I've always complained about the prices of the things others are selling. One time, I went to a mall to look for a scarf. Lo & behold, the price was P280 for somethings so thin and small! For me, it was just a small piece of cloth, cut and just added tassels all around. I couldn't believe of the price that I have to pay for such a thing! But when I started crocheting, the scarf that I'm actually making, had already cost me P280 and yet I'm still not yet done! But you know what's the difference between buying a machine-made and doing it by yourself? It's the joy of learning! It's the joy of knowing that from your God-given hands, you were able to create something so useful and beautiful!

On Being Delayed

In the airport, on our way to Manila, we were greeted by a bad news, that our flight, which was supposed to leave at 3:35 pm, has been delayed, and thus we’ll leave the General Santos airport at 5:30 pm. What a wasted two hours!!! (or so I thought)

As we were waiting for the plane’s arrival, I noticed a little girl (around 7 or 8 yrs old) kept on loitering around my side of the chair. She will peep in and try to look at what I’m doing and then run off, only to do the same thing all over again. At first, it truly was irritating and annoying. But while doing “my thing” on my laptop, God had reminded of how my kids would react to a delayed plane. From there on, I quickly tried to finish what I was doing. When done, I have searched for the child, asked permission from her parents and together, we have watched “Puss in Boots”. For 15 mins, she was silent, her mom never had to call her back to her chair, she had never annoyed another passenger and she had enjoyed the show. This act of kindness, no matter who had benefited from it, is rare these days. Am I better than everybody else? No, I was actually as rotten as any passenger was on that day. But God had stirred my heart and allowed me to reach out to this little girl. What was her name?  I had forgotten, though I have asked for it. I may have forgotten her name, her look, her age, her height…but I will never forget that experience. And I pray to God that He will cause more of this in the coming days. Hopefully, the next time it happens, I will be courageous enough to share the Gospel.