There are times when feeling of boredom and dissatisfaction comes to one's do you deal with that?
One of the greatest struggle of a housewife is the feeling of boredom and the sense of uselessness. As one goes through the mundane of daily chores, and taking care of the family, a housewife tends to loose her connection to the world of technology, business and to the world itself. She only gets to connect through the television or the gossips that goes around her. But she does not have the opportunity to "feel" life anymore.
With what had mentioned above, a housewife tends to take her value for granted. And once she does this, the family members will start doing it as well. The family will think that "ah, she will always be there" and the words "thank you" & "I love you" flies out the door.
Have I felt this way? Oh Yes! But by God's mercies, my family has not reached the point yet where they have taken me for granted. Once in a while, the Lord will show them my worth and they give importance to whatever I do for them.
One of the greatest key in battling boredom is not television nor radio nor gossips. It's the Word of God. Whenever these feelings attacks me, I would pick up my Bible and reflect on God's grace. Do I have a specific passage or book that I turn to? No, I don't. I find solace in the whole Counsel of God. Wherever I turn, whatever book I read, whichever Testament it might be, I always find my place in God. That's the beauty of being a'll find your true value not in money that you earn, nor in the praises and rewards of man, but in God!